Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Borrowed Bible

There was the instance of the “borrowed Bible”. When I sat next to the preacher and after we were finished singing the hymns, we got into the devotions and looked up some verses. In front of my was a Bible written in the native language of Tonga, which I was interested in following along in that language since he was reading it in English. The preacher reached down and said, “this is in Tonga” and gave me the Bible of the gentlemen to my left, named Nicolas. I opened Nicolas’ Bible to the passage and what I quickly realized was that almost every verse in the WHOLE Bible was highlighted yellow, pink or there were ink underlines, circles and words throughout. This must make God so happy to have a Bible that has been studied throughout. I can truly say that this was the most humble I had felt in some time. My Bible has “some” highlights, but come on, lets be real… I just got taught a huge lesson. Get in the word American and study what it says, and believe it!!! Little does Nicolas know what was shown to me that morning, as he must think what he could offer this American who came to visit them. I will take that memory back with me and do something eternal with it, and I also am sharing that with you all in hopes that Nicolas’ borrowed Bible moves us in our faith with Jesus Christ.


  1. This is my favorite post. So true!! Thanks

  2. Great point! I treat my Bible as sacred, but I should be using it more as a tool too. Thanks and best of luck with your work in Africa! I haven't been to Zambia, but stood on the border once!
